When it comes to restoring volume that your lips lose with aging, we believe that less is more. To ensure that your lips don’t look unnatural or too “done,” our technique follows the simple principle that just a dab will do. Trust us. You can always come back for more.
Does it hurt?
Topical anesthetic is applied before each treatment, followed by an ice pack, for very comfortable lip volume restoration. There is no need for nerve blocks, since the technique used at Barba Dermatology for pain control makes the procedure very comfortable.
Is there a difference between lip augmentation
and volume restoration?
Yes. Lip restoration is replacing what you have lost with natural aging. It often involves injecting just a dab of product to restore volume. Volume augmentation is going beyond your natural lip volume and enhancing the size of the lips by using more filler. It’s your choice to decide which option best suits your personality and the results you’re looking hoping to achieve. We will work with you to get you the results your desire, and will tell you gently when we think you should stop increasing your lip volume.